Medical research

medical research

This page describes all the medical research projects conducted by university research teams and rescue organizations using logicoss, with the control and/or contribution of logicoss teams. The projects are classified according to their year of launch.

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SPORTCOV :  Understanding the metabolic impact of resuming endurance sports on patients who have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus

ANR project being filed.

Study description

The objective of the study is to evaluate the cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory responses to exercise of patients previously infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Data will be collected on a set of endurance sports events for the general public: running, cycling, triathlon, requiring an effort between 30min and 48h. The objective is to analyze 2,400 care records, collected on a hundred events expected to gather 600,000 participants in 2021 in France.

The observation will take place from D-2 to D+7 of each sport event included:

At D-2, participants will be invited by email to declare their health history, including any information related to the Covid.

On the day of the event, the health data of the patients taken care of by the event’s health service will be collected on the platform.

This data collection will make it possible to constitute cohorts of patients, which compared between them (healthy patients, with Covid history, vaccinated, etc.) will make it possible to understand the impact of the virus on a large scale.

The purpose of the research is :

  • To adapt the education of practitioners in order to prevent injuries
  • To adapt pre-hospital management protocols
  • To provide preliminary results to guide in-depth studies based on intra-hospital experiments (stress tests, etc.).


ANR Scientific File

COVID-ESO : Evaluation of the impact of the resumption of outdoor sporting events (OSE) subject to a unique health protocol on the risk of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus among the participants.

Project being filed with Capnet

Study description

The study aims to investigate the spread of Covid-19 in five pilot sporting events, scheduled to take place in spring 2021. Indeed, in order to be able to respond to the legitimate and urgent expectations of the sports world, projects for the resumption of activities are necessary to evaluate the risk of transmission and creation of clusters during and after large-scale sports events. Therefore, this project is proposed to evaluate these potential risks in a near-experimental context. The accumulated results will allow decision-makers and federations to move forward in an adapted way concerning the sports resumption, all in a controlled risk environment. LOGICOSS DIGITAL HEALTHCARE contributes to the project by distributing a digital health questionnaire generated by the logicoss application and by collecting, pseudonymizing and pre-processing the answers.

The purpose of the research is :

  • To measure the impact of participation in outdoor sporting events (OSE) with a unique validated health protocol on the risk of transmission and induction of an increased risk of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus among the athletes
  • To measure and analyze exposures at risk of transmission between contaminated and non-contaminated individuals within an outdoor sporting event (OSE).


Pr Philippe Vanhems, Pr Bruno Lina, Pr Frédéric Laurent, Pr Florence Morfin-Sherpa, Pr Pascal Roy, Dr Cédric Dananche, Juliette Dessemon, Dr Geneviève Billaud, Dr Laurent Roche, Dr Christelle Elias, Cécile Gayet, Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), UMR5308 INSERM U1111 UCBL Lyon 1 CNRS ENS de Lyon Hospices Civils de Lyon
Dr Patrick Basset, Anesthesiologist Resuscitator, Medical Director of Dokever, President of the Ultra Sports Science Endowment Fund
Dr Sylvain Charreyre, General Practitioner, Emergency Doctor, Terminal Santé Lyon
Dr Sandrine Nail Billaud, Immunology-Allergology Laboratory CHU Angers
PhD Gaspard Lebel, CTO, Logicoss Digital Healthcare


Information Notice

COVID-OL : Evaluation of the impact of reopening stadiums to spectators on the risk of the SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission at soccer matches

Project being filed with Capnet

Study description

The study aims to investigate the spread of Covid-19 in two soccer matches, scheduled to take place in May 2021, with 8,000 and 12,000 spectators respectively. The study is based on the one hand on the filling of a health questionnaire at D0 and D+7 and, on the other hand, on the realization of a salivary PCR test at D0 and D+7. While 20,000 spectators will physically attend the games in the stadium, 20,000 other spectators in the control group will watch the game from home. The comparative analysis of the health questionnaire and PCR test results will allow to evaluate the risk of transmission within a stadium. LOGICOSS DIGITAL HEALTHCARE contributes to the project by distributing a digital health questionnaire generated by the logicoss application and then collecting, pseudonymizing and pre-processing the answers.

The purpose of the research is :

  • To measure the impact of participation, as a spectator, in a match with a validated health protocol, on the risk of transmission and induction of an increased risk of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus
  • To study the accountability or non-accountability of intra-block transmission (individual data associated with the spectator’s place in the block of seats)


Pr Philippe Vanhems, Pr Bruno Lina, Pr Frédéric Laurent, Pr Florence Morfin-Sherpa, Pr Pascal Roy, Dr Cédric Dananche, Juliette Dessemon, Dr Geneviève Billaud, Dr Laurent Roche, Dr Christelle Elias, Cécile Gayet, Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), UMR5308 INSERM U1111 UCBL Lyon 1 CNRS ENS de Lyon Hospices Civils de Lyon
Dr Patrick Basset, Anesthesiologist Resuscitator, Medical Director of Dokever, President of the Ultra Sports Science Endowment Fund
Dr Sylvain Charreyre, General Practitioner, Emergency Doctor, Terminal Santé Lyon
Dr Sandrine Nail Billaud, Immunology-Allergology Laboratory CHU Angers
PhD Gaspard Lebel, CTO, Logicoss Digital Healthcare


Information Notice


MTS-Trail : Retrospective analysis of the accidentology of trail running races

Study description

The Manchester Triage System (MTS) is a triage scale that qualifies the acceptable time to care for a patient presenting to the emergency department.
The logicoss teams have extended this scale to convert it into a scale adapted to pre-hospital management. Thus, each of the declarable pathologies in the logicoss care file was assigned a theoretical MTS level.
Such a classification allows to evaluate the severity of the treated pathologies on any rescue point of an event. It is then possible to retrospectively estimate the level of medical competence required per rescue point and/or geographical area (border, administrative limit, 30min, 1hr, 2hr isochron, etc.)

For example, as part of the study, this retrospective analysis was performed on all the races of the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB Mont Blanc) 2017, 2018 and 2019. This research work validated the relevance of applying the FFA Recommendations to define the UTMB Mont Blanc rescue plan.


Isabelle Juchat, Technical Director, UTMB Group
Claire Chavrier, Operational Director, Dokever Assistance Médicale
PhD Gaspard Lebel, CTO, Logicoss Digital Healthcare
Théophane Tassy, Data Analyst, Logicoss Digital Healthcare
Justine Mariniak, Data Analyst, Logicoss Digital Healthcare


Study Summary

Cardio-Trail : Retrospective epidemiological study of the incidence of cardiovascular events in Trail Running and Road Running

Study description

The objective of the research is to determine the incidence of cardiovascular events during mountain running (= trail running) in order to compare this incidence with :

  • the profile of the people affected (age, gender, ranking in the race)
  • the race conditions in which the events occurred (distance run, weather conditions, altitude difference, etc.).

This study will be done by comparing these cardiovascular events to those occurring during road running.

The purpose of the research is :

  • Adapting prevention messages to practitioners
  • Adapting the training of health personnel present at the races
  • Improve this health service sizing on endurance races

This project is highlighted on the Data Analytics


Dr Stéphane Doutreleau, Cardiologist Laboratoire HP2 – INSERM, CHU Grenoble Alpes
Dr Justine Harle, Intern in General Medicine, CHU Grenoble Alpes
Dr Caroline Tubacki, Intern in General Medicine, CHU Grenoble Alpes
Dr Patrick Basset, Anesthesiologist Resuscitator, President of the Ultra Sports Science Endowment Fund
PhD Gaspard Lebel, CTO, Logicoss Digital Healthcare
Théophane Tassy, Data Analyst, Logicoss Digital Healthcare
Justine Mariniak, Data Analyst, Logicoss Digital Healthcare


Study Summary
Patient Information Notice
Declaration of conformity MR-001


HRP : Analysis of heat-related pathologies in road running

Study description

The HRP study aims to identify how heat may be the cause of patient visits that occurred during the 2012 to 2018 editions of the International Paris Marathon.

In order to establish such a correlation, a number of data crossovers were performed among different environmental (temperature, humidity), participant (age, gender) and event (number of participants, race route) determinants.


Pr Antoine Duclos, Professor of Public Health, Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)
Dr Hugo Noelle, Public Health Intern, Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)
Dr Sylvain Charreyre, Emergency Doctor CCA SAMU – CHLS Emergency, Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)
PhD Gaspard Lebel, CTO, Logicoss Digital Healthcare
Dimitri Sourd, Data Analyst, Logicoss Digital Healthcare

PPR Forecast : Prediction of the accidentology in endurance sports

Study description

The objective of the multi-year PPR Forecast study is to identify an equation for predicting the Patient Presentation Rate (PPR), i.e. the rate at which people are cared for during an event (WHO definition).

The parameters considered by the research work are:

  • The distance run/covered
  • The maximum temperature
  • Temperature gradient between 6:00am and noon
  • The humidity
  • The cloudiness
  • NO2 air concentration
  • PM25 air concentration


Dr Sylvain Charreyre, Emergency Doctor CCA SAMU – CHLS Emergency, Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)
Dr Patrick Basset, Anesthesiologist Resuscitator, President of the Ultra Sports Science Endowment Fund
PhD Gaspard Lebel, CTO, Logicoss Digital Healthcare
Dimitri Sourd, Data Analyst, Logicoss Digital Healthcare

Data Fridays

Join us on the last Friday of each month for a one-hour webinar. This webinar will be an opportunity to share your experiences related to the health of athletes at your events and to reinforce these experiences with the data we analyze. Finally, these moments of exchange will allow you to suggest research directions.

👉 Register at the following link

Medical research

Medical research

Medical research

Medical research

Medical research

Medical research

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